[SUPER VIP SHARE] Create Once, Sell Forever” by Modest Mitkus

Create Once, Sell Forever is a video course where I show you my framework on how to build a $35k/month digital product business from scratch. A few years ago, I was running my own UI/UX studio. I won one of the biggest clients in my country, received awards, earned 6 figures, and was my own boss. ***Marked As Spam*** Living the dream, some would say. Except, I wasn’t. ***Marked As Spam*** Every day, I had to perform to please people I didn’t know or even like:
  • 2-4 daily calls that I hated (sorry ex-clients)
  • No work freedom, always following others’ direction
  • Knowledge used for others’ profit, with little pay or recognition
I was just a person hired to perform to THEM in the way THEY wanted. Let me tell you. ***Marked As Spam*** “Do your job and shut up” doesn’t feel like a dream at all, even when you’re making 6 figures from it. ***Marked As Spam*** And that wasn’t even the worst part. ***Marked As Spam*** When I reached my all-time high income, I realized there were limits. If I wanted to make more money, I couldn’t do it on my own. And I had already been feeling burnout for a few months then. Great, huh? ***Marked As Spam*** There were 2 options:
  1. I could suck it up and continue working for others, as everyone does.
  2. I could use my savings and f**k everything and try for the following year.
I felt desperate realizing that even though I had money and a future, there was no happiness in that. So at the top of my career, I dropped everything and dedicated myself fully to creating and selling digital products. ***Marked As Spam*** At the time, I had 0 followers and 0 traffic. ***Marked As Spam*** To this day, I can clearly remember that moment. It was a beautiful spring day; I was spending time walking my dog with my girlfriend.
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