[GET] Laura Belgray – Inbox Hero Free Download
Emails are your most powerful tool for getting your audience to pant, drool,
and joyfully fork over fat cash for everything you sell.
Here’s how you can INSTANTLY sharpen yours.
Imagine being able to crank out emails that…
– Stand out from all the dreck (and even the very best stuff) in someone’s inbox
– Build lasting know, like, trust, and hot business lust in your subscribers
– Get readers reaching, even running for their credit cards
– Position you as a leader and an authority — no wait, a GOD
– Get people so excited, they open your messages the second you appear in their inbox
– Pop with personality and riveting stories from your everyday life…in a way that brings clear value to your reader
– Prove so dangerously entertaining that people walk headfirst into poles while reading them….But even with temporary brain damage, they’ll remember one thing: YOU.
Here’s the makeover-style
email marketing course…
…That’ll get you thinking like a swift, brilliant email copywriter.
(Just by soaking up the glory of before-and-after email examples — over 100 pages’ worth!)
A peek inside:
New coach with a (free) offer
Coach welcome series email
Quiz software business (SAAS) welcome email
Real estate agency welcome email
New podcast episode email
The personal-brand e-commerce welcome email
Vintage clothing store everyday promo email
What’s a reverse makeover?
The super-short, high-ticket sell email (AKA the $17k, 26-word email)
The welcome sequence “engage with me” fun facts email
Teaser to blog post
The affiliate launch warm-up email
The “straight sell” (sort of) email
The “straight sell” (sort of) email 2
The going-on-hiatus email
The army-issue email you have to send for legal reasons – made FUN
The start-of-launch “whip up desire” email
The “check me out, I’m on a podcast” email
The “Share My Sh*t” swipe email
The “What should I do with this rando story” email
The thought-piece email
The “why you should stick with us” confirmation email
The daily (or frequent) newsletter not “selling” anything
The “everyday details of life” used as a teachable email (also, affiliate promotion)
The Inbox Hero Simple Framework
Inbox Hero Checklist
In this easy-to-digest guide, you’ll learn how to..
- Be more concise
- Clear out all the “verbal bubble wrap” that’s burying your powerful message
- Paint vivid pictures with your words
- Create tantalizing cliffhangers within your emails
- Stop impatient, speedy, skimming eyeballs
- Get a hurried reader to willingly go back and re-read more carefully
- Speak commandingly without being pushy
- Leverage simple formatting tricks that grab the reader’s eye (and brain)
- Give CTAs extra urgency (hint: it’s all about the specifics – see the Supergoodie Silverlake email)
- Reverse-engineer an email you love and replicate its success – without actually copying
- Get buyers jumping at a high-ticket offer in under 26 words
- Get subscribers who “never write back to anyone” to write back to YOU – and why that matters
- Warm up readers to any promotion, even one that wouldn’t naturally be “on brand” for you
- Weave in powerful social proof without seeming like a braggy blowhard
Laura Belgray – Inbox Hero Free Download